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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

'Common Ground' Document at Center of Homosexual-'Ex-Gay' Squabble

Well, you can spend 20 minutes working your way through the acronyms in this article. But in a nutshell, it basically says, that the homosexuals are mad and wish to quiet the former homosexuals. The document in question said that in regards to education, it was a good thing to let both sides present their messages. Now, as usual, the homosexual "double-speak" comes through that "it's OK to present your message, as long as it doesn't disagree with mine".

(AgapePress) - A homosexual activist group and an "ex-gay" group are accusing each other of misconstruing a new agreement between the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and the Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) on how to deal with the issue of sexual orientation in public schools.
The document -- which is called "Public Schools and Sexual Orientation: A First Amendment Framework for Finding Common Ground" -- recommends that schools not adopt a certain organization's agenda, but rather invite all stakeholders to the table when discussing sexuality. Among other things, this "common ground" document urges school officials to "take seriously complaints of name calling, harassment, and discrimination" and to avoid discriminating against student clubs because of their political or religious message. (See earlier story)
But Jody Huckaby -- the head of the homosexuality advocacy group Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) -- claims the group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) has "utterly twisted the intent of the document" by suggesting that the perspective of former homosexuals is protected by the First Amendment and should be heard in public schools. In addition, PFLAG says although the "ex-gay" viewpoint should be "heard during deliberations," it does not "warrant the stamp of legitimacy."
Dr. Warren Throckmorton, a spokesman for PFOX who endorses the document's guidelines, says PFLAG is engaging in doublespeak and promoting intolerance.
"The communication from PFLAG that PFOX doesn't have a legitimate perspective worth hearing is contrary to the intent of these guidelines," says Throckmorton. "The intent of these guidelines is that people who have viewpoints about sexual orientation should be allowed to express them within the public square, and the purpose of these guidelines has been misrepresented by PFLAG."
PFLAG refers to the document as a "GLSEN help educators and administrators create ground rules for discussing GLBT [gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, trans-sexual] issues." But Throckmorton, a noted sexual orientation researcher, says PFLAG's claim is "nothing but spin."
"First of all, it was a project of the First Amendment Center and BridgeBuilders that solicited agreement from GLSEN and the Christian Educators," he says. "It wasn't their project. And also, the purpose wasn't to create ground rules for discussing GLBT issues. The purpose was to create rules of discussion or guidelines for discussing sexual orientation issues in school."
According to Throckmorton, the First Amendment guidelines affirm the right of people who believe that homosexuality is immoral to speak their mind in public schools. In fact, Finn Laursen, the executive director of CEAI, asserts the guidelines give Christian educators some control with regard to how homosexual issues are presented -- without being forced to suppress absolute, biblical truth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its about time that we heterosexuals show the former heterosexuals, now homosexuals, how tired we are of hearing from them.
I have been watching the news regarding the "big gay day" in Jerusalem and I am sick of these gays using their sick perverted sexual agenda to make the people in Israel believe that America is a sicko country.
The Israelis know that the people coming to this abomination (that will cause desolation) are mostly American, so what will their opinion of all of us be? Sometimes perception is reality and these people have got to be stopped. They will turn God's chosen land into Sodom and Gomorra and I hate to see that happen. I am TIRED, TIRED, TIRED of all the hype surrounding this issue. Sometimes I believe if I hear the word "Homosexual" one more time I will scream!!!!!! AND BY THE WAY, I am soooooooooooo over everyone trying to be politically correct with these people. Homosexuality is perversion and it is wrong in the eyes of God and its about time Christians take a noteable stand against it without being wishy-washy and watering down the gospel. (I am coming down off my soap box now)

3/28/2006 09:20:00 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Well, for starters, you can get on your soap box on this blog any time you want to.
I'm like you in that I'm tired of hearing about it. This is what they are counting on though. If they can wear us down, we'll just shut up and leave them alone. What I want more than anything though, is for them to present all the facts. They refuse to do this. CDC has important information and so does Christianity. But what happens when they have to hear our side is that they cancel the event completely!! The unimformed are going to only see the "glamorous" side of it and not realize that there is a whole different (and uglier) side. Christians are not going to be able to fence sit this one.
I hate having to take a strong tone about this. I wish we could just keep the blog upbeat and whitty, but in today's world, that just isn't possible. As much as they won't give up their homosexuality, I won't give up my God, my Jesus, my Bible and It's Truths!

3/28/2006 01:54:00 PM  

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