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Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". John 14:6

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He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them, "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me." John 9:36-37

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hannity igniting revolt against left-wing profs

Anyone who feels left wing indoctrination is not rampant on our college campuses needs to realize that it is. Conservative students are routinely shouted down and made fun of for expressing their views. The colleges are hotbeds of liberalism.

College students bombarded with the personal political views of their professors are being urged by talk-show host
Sean Hannity to fight back with hard evidence of purported indoctrination.
"All you college kids out there, check your state laws, check your campus laws," said Sean Hannity on his national radio program.
"Get your little tape recorders if legal, and I want you to start recording these left-wingers. Bring it to this program and we'll start airing it every single time on this program. I'm sick of this indoctrination. I'm sick of this left-wing propaganda."
Hannity's call to action comes in the wake of the case of Rebecca Beach, a 19-year-old freshman at
Warren County Community College in Washington, N.J., who, as WorldNetDaily first reported, was sharply rebuked by an English professor for her announcement of a campus program featuring decorated Iraq war hero Lt. Col. Scott Rutter.
In an
e-mail from professor John Daly to Beach, Daly wrote: "Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors."
He also said he would ask his students to boycott the event and vowed "to expose [her] right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like [Rebecca's] won't dare show their face on a college campus."
"That's free and open exchange of ideas and opinions on a college campus," Hannity commented sarcastically. "That's really cultivating freedom of thought."
WND broke the news that
Daly submitted his resignation Tuesday just moments before an emergency meeting by the college's board of trustees to decide his fate.
But according to Hannity, the resignation is not the end of the case, saying, "This ought to be the beginning."

Read the rest here.


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