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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Any Questions about how the palis feel about Sharon?

If you have any questions about how the palis feel about Sharon, look at the following phots.

Also, this source is reporting the following. Take it with a grain of salt.

Israel Insider is reporting that PM Sharon is likely brain dead.
Reliable sources indicate to Israel Insider that PM Ariel Sharon died at 11 am. Israeli media channels still report his condition is "very grave." Director of Hadassah Hospital Shlomo Mor-Yosef officially denies "rumors" of death and says Sharon's condition is "serious but stable."
Channel 10 reports those closest to Sharon as saying he has suffered "brain damage."
A likely explanation to reconcile the two reports is that Sharon has suffered brain death -- the lack of cerebral activity -- but that his heart continues beating, while he remains anesthetized and respirated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you can help me with something.....If Sharon actually does die now, what exactly will that mean for Israel? In your personal opinion could this be a prime opportunity for the introduction of the antichrist? I truly feel like his death could bring a serious turn to the situation in Israel. Or am I way off base?

1/05/2006 11:22:00 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Well, I can’t say that I’m an expert at all, but I can see several things happening.
For the next 100 days, Olmert will be the acting Prime Minister. His philosophies are much like Sharons, so I don’t see much changing in the day to day operations of the government. Also, his tenure will allow the elections to take place in March.
Without Sharon, the Kadima Party will most likely not carry the elections like most figured they would before. From the information I’ve been able to glean, it looks like most Israelis will fall back to following former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is more of “hawk” and will not deal with the territory issues in the same way Sharon did.
I also am left wondering if Iran will take the moment to take advantage of the leadership gap.
We will have to just wait and see how this is all going to pan out. He may actually recover, but I’m not seeing that happening. My guess is that the news reports are pretty close to accurate and it’s just a matter of time. In any case, his political career appears to be over.
God Bless!!

1/05/2006 12:56:00 PM  

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