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Saturday, January 07, 2006

U.S.-based professor: Holocaust is a 'myth'

Time to send this one home and the rest of his ilk with him.

A U.S.-based Saudi professor and former U.N. fellow says he agrees with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Holocaust is a "myth" and says America eventually will collapse like the Soviet Union.
Abdullah Mohammad Sindi, who has taught at four American schools, told Iran's Mehr News Agency Dec. 26, "I agree wholeheartedly with President Ahmadinejad."
"There was no such a thing as the 'Holocaust,'" Sindi said, according to the
Middle East Media Research Institute. "The so-called 'Holocaust' is nothing but Jewish-Zionist propaganda. There is no proof whatsoever that any living Jew was ever gassed or burned in Nazi Germany or in any of the territories that Nazi Germany occupied during World War II."
Sindi, who maintains
a website, has taught at the University of California at Irvine, California State University at Pomona, Cerritos College and Fullerton College – all in the Los Angeles area. He also taught political science at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia.
Sindi lives in Placentia, Calif., with his American wife – a middle school teacher – and two children, according to his website.
In the Iranian interview, Sindi said Holocaust "propaganda was started by the Zionist Jews in order to acquire worldwide sympathy for the creation of Israel after World War II," a claim he details in his book "The Arabs and the West: The Contributions and the Inflictions."
Sindi said Ahmadinejad is "100 percent correct and 100 percent logical when he states that if the European countries keep insisting that Nazi Germany gassed and burned 6 million live Jews, then Germany or Austria should be the real location for this rogue state of Israel."
"In fact, this illegal and illegitimate state of Israel is the one that created a real holocaust against the Palestinian people, both Muslim and Christian," he said.
Sindi contended there is a major conspiracy in the West to squelch free discussion of the Holocaust.
"The Western governments and media are hypocritical liars," he said. "They keep talking constantly about their own Western victims or Israeli victims in any situation, real or imagined, including kidnapping. But these so-called freedom-loving Westerners do not care a bit about their own colonial and imperialist wars that cause the death of millions of innocent Muslims and others around the world."
Sindi asserted "Israel controls the West, and not the other way around."
"The Jews and the Zionists rule the world by proxy," he said. "That is exactly what former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamed said in October 2003 during the 10th Islamic Summit Conference in Malaysia."
In an essay on his website titled, "The Direct Instruments of Western Control over the Arabs: The Shining Example of the House of Saud," Sindi says that after 9-11, Saudi Arabia opened itself to "its American masters to use it as they please in their brutal war and occupation of Afghanistan, which was accused by the U.S. (without any solid proof) [of being] behind the September 11 disasters."
His essay calls on Arabs to fight the West and overthrow the Saudi regime.
"The enemies of the Arabs are three: Israel, the imperialist West (particularly the U.S. and the U.K.), and the Arab traitors," he said. "For the Arabs to even begin to be able to fight Israel and its Western Godfathers, they must first and foremost get rid of the traitors among them especially the feudal corrupt House of Saud."
Sindi says Saudi Arabia "has never been riper for a popular revolution than at present. If the Arabs fail to get rid of such traitors, their existence as a nation might be in deep jeopardy in the near future."
In an interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Sindi said the U.S. does not denounce Israel's weapons program because the U.S. is "run
"The most powerful Jews in the world are in Washington and in the United States," he said. "And because America always acts as [though] it is an Israeli colony. Because of that, the United States of America [is] dominating the entire world, but in reality the Jews [are] dominating the world, as the prime minister of Malaysia said two years ago.
He predicted: "The American economy is [going to] collapse in the near future, if the U.S. continues to act like that. They are going to dig their own grave ... and [they will] eventually collapse [just] as the Soviet Union collapsed."
In another interview with the Iranian radio service he called American "democracy" a "joke, both inside the United States and ... overseas."
"First of all, you have to understand that George Bush himself was not elected in a democratic way," he said. "The United States is a country [that] doesn’t really have true democracy. I mean, if you compare the United States to the European democracies, you will find that the United States is still in the Stone Age or the primitive age of democracy, because you could ask Native Americans: 'Do you have democracy in the United States?' They would say no. You could ask Black Americans: 'Do you have democracy in the United States?' They would say no. You could ask all the minorities like Hispanic Americans or Japanese Americans."
"Democracy" in the U.S., he said, is "only for the Anglo Saxon race and the Jews and [for] all of the millionaires who control the government and control the money. That is democracy for the few, [for] two or three percent, while the rest of the public in the United States are like animals [who] just follow what the T.V and radio say. …"
In an interview for IRIB on the 2004 American elections, Sindia said the American people "are easily brainwashed, they do not understand anything about parties or international affairs, and they have very little understanding of what is going on the Arab and Muslim countries."
"The Jews run the media and the Jews brainwash the American people [about] the Arab-Israeli conflict, and they do not understand what is going on," he said. "It is true that Americans do not want their children ... to be [be drafted into] the army or to go over [to Iraq] to die. …"
Sindi said there are many unemployed people in the U.S. who can make money by joining the Army.
"But then they get stuck in wars because the U.S. is perpetually inventing one disaster after another to provide itself [with] the necessary justification to interfere oversees … because [its] economy was [collapsing]," he said. "If the U.S. does not get a war every five or six years [it collapses], and this [has been the case since] the 1930s. …"

Read the rest here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has this man ever watched the History Channel? Hate causes people to be stupid, uh, I mean hate causes people to say really stupid things, huh?

1/07/2006 08:11:00 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I wonder where this guy got his big and fancy degree from? Professor! God bless him with wisdom!

1/07/2006 10:20:00 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Beth...I think you were right the first time! :-)
Jen, I think we will continue to see this type of thing from our education system as more and more people turn from God. It's always the "enlighted" ones who are most susceptible to deception.

1/09/2006 12:50:00 PM  

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